W. Grant Stevens, MD, FACS, and Eric Bachelor, MD, FACS, investigated the safety and efficacy of the CoolSculpting CoolSmooth applicator from Zeltiq for the cryolipolysis treatment of “nonpinchable” fat in the lateral thighs. A total of 40 patients underwent a 120-minute unilateral treatment with the conformable-surface applicator on one lateral thigh, with the contralateral thigh serving as the control.
During follow-up visits at two and four months, fat reduction was assessed by ultrasound imaging, clinical photography and patient satisfaction surveys. The ultrasound data indicated a statistically significant mean normalized reduction in fat thickness of 2.6mm vs. the untreated control thigh. A panel of independent, blinded physicians correctly identified baseline and post-treatment clinical photographs in 87% of cases, and according to the patient survey responses, 89% of patients would recommend the procedure to a friend. In addition, 86% were satisfied with cryolipolysis for the lateral thighs; 86% noticed visible fat reduction; and 97% were likely to undergo a second treatment. There were no serious adverse events.
The researchers concluded that the CoolSmooth conformable-surface applicator safely and effectively reduced fat thickness and saddlebag bulges in the lateral thigh.
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