Jeffrey S. Dover, MD, FRCPC, has taken office as the president of the American Society for Laser Medicine & Surgery (ASLMS). He took office at Laser 2013, the ASLMS annual scientific conference held in Boston, Massachusetts in March. He will serve for one year.
“It is an absolute honor to have the opportunity to lead the world’s leading laser specialists in furthering our understanding of how lasers and emerging energy based technologies may improve the practice of medicine across a gamut of specialties,” said Dr. Dover. “Laser, light, and energy based technology has and will continue to reshape how we diagnose, treat and prevent medical and aesthetic conditions thanks to a cooperative commitment to our specialties and patients.”
Dr. Dover is an associate clinical professor of dermatology, at Yale University School of Medicine, adjunct professor of medicine (dermatology) at Dartmouth Medical School and adjunct associate professor of dermatology at Brown Medical School. He is also the director of SkinCare Physicians in
Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts.
Dr. Dover’s research interests are lasers in medicine, cosmetic surgery and medical education. He is the author of more than 350 scientific publications and the founding editor of Journal Watch for Dermatology. He is past president of both the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery and the New England Dermatological Society.