SuperVision180, a virtual learning plaform that features live procedural webinars, online courses and hands-on classes, has introduced a new, accelerated training model.
The training is approved for continuing medical education (CME) credits (AMA Category 1).
“This is not Zoom,” CEO Tom Kristy says. “It’s much better. We have high-definition, medical-grade cameras zeroing in on each procedure in extreme detail down to the suture level.”
The webinars feature live surgeon interactions, which allow attendees to ask questions and get immediate answers from the expert.
The accelerated training model provides a fast track to competency. Novices start with online courses covering the basic science of each procedure accompanied by didactic lectures.
The online programs provide step by step videos, animated lectures and integrated exams that test knowledge, with CMEs awarded after passing the tests.
After the online courses, students can join hands-on training classes to perfect skills working with luminary trainers. Classes are held in cities across the U.S., and CMEs are awarded at the conclusion of the classes. Lastly, live webinars provide continuing, advanced training where students can watch, ask and learn in real-time and receive additional CMEs.