Researchers evaluated the stability of a novel platelet-rich plasma (PRP) topical cosmetic formulation (SoME, Aesthetics Biomedical) indicated for facial appearance improvement using both in vitro and in vivo methods. The results of the study were published in the December 2020 issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology.
An earlier controlled, double blinded, eight-week study demonstrated, tolerability and efficacy of the topical product for facial rejuvenation. (J Cosmetic Dermatol Vol 18, Issue 5, 2019). The earlier data reported that the patented cosmetic base when combined with autologous PRP demonstrated increased efficacy with continued twice/day use. Dermatologist evaluation identified visible clinical improvement for signs of facial aging at four weeks, with enhanced performance observed at eight weeks (e.g. luminosity, radiance, smoothness, reduction in redness and skin lightening) vs. the control base alone. Biopsies revealed enhanced collagen and elastin expression including up-regulation of the type 1 collagen gene observed with the SoME Skincare base + PRP vs. the SoME Skincare base alone.
The more recent study demonstrated that the clinical efficacy was more robust at 120 days of daily use for all clinical end points, including identifiable reduction in fine lines and wrinkles. Comparable clinical, histological and biochemical results were observed with either 60mls or 20mls collection of whole blood.
The patented cosmetic base is formulated to preserve viable platelet function for 90 days of home use. As a point of care product, the patient goes to their physician office, blood is drawn and centrifuged to obtain PRP. PRP (3mL) is then added to each of three 1 oz. cosmetic base bottles providing for 90 days, twice/day home use. The patient receives a mini refrigerator to store the product. The removal of the product from the refrigerator and apllication to the skin provides a temperature change, which activates and degranulates the platelets with ensuing release of growth factors and other biomolecules into the skin.
Both light and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) demonstrated platelet activation and degranulation with product treatment. Enzyme linked assays demonstrated that the SoME Skincare product could prevent release of key growth factors, for upwards to 90 days. The product was well tolerated by all skin types.