In today’s digital world, the primary sources for growth, referrals and the internet, have become intertwined. Both are vital elements of a solid marketing strategy that will maximize your practice’s potential for success. Nurturing referral sources and incoming referrals should be a top priority when growing your practice and reputation. However, once a potential client is referred to you, they will first look to your website and online presence to judge whether they should place their trust in you before reaching out to schedule a consult. The initial referral may have planted the seed of trust, but your digital marketing strategy is what nurtures that seed and draws those potential clients into your office.
Building a solid marketing plan for a medical spa means understanding how marketing strategies fit together. MyAdvice created the Pyramid of Success for just that reason: giving you a solid foundation to build your practice’s growth, with levers you can adjust as needed to suit your growth needs. Whether you’re looking for more growth or just want to know how to create the best version of your own marketing strategy, this article will explain the philosophy, as well as how each layer of the pyramid works to support the others.
Michael Olson has been helping medical practices grow since 2018. He started as a device rep and has been a practice growth consultant for MyAdvice since 2020. Having been in and out of hundreds of aesthetic offices in person, he understands the flow & day-to-day operations of successful practices. What sets Michael apart is his ability to teach you how to match your in-office success with a growth-oriented online presence to drive higher-quality patients into your chairs. After all, it doesn’t matter how good you are in person if your web presence stops patients from seeing it.
MyAdvice empowers business owners and professionals to increase their revenue by attracting and retaining more clients through digital marketing. Our SaaS-based platform enables hands-on control and visibility into the performance of online marketing activities, backed by 20+ years of best practices and expertise on how to maximize those efforts. MyAdvice’s six-stage Pyramid of SuccessTM provides a proven step-by-step plan for how and when to implement growth-oriented marketing tactics for the greatest impact, including website design and maintenance, local directories, customer reviews, social media, search engine optimization (SEO) and paid advertising. Learn more at myadvice.com.